Design for Developers

Unlock Design Skills.

Supercharge Your Web Development Path.

The Book

Learning design and user experience (UX) fundamentals can significantly enhance your career as a web developer. As more projects demand seamless, user-friendly interfaces, developers who understand design are better equipped to create cohesive, intuitive websites. Knowing the principles of layout, color, typography, and usability helps developers avoid design pitfalls and streamline collaboration with their design team.

Design for Developers is broken out into four parts to mimic the typical project flow from pre-design to launch.

Part 1Design Basics

  • Bridging the Gap Between Design and Development
  • Design Fundamentals

Part 2 User Experience

  • User Experience Basics
  • User Research
  • User Experience Design

Part 3Visual Design Elements

  • Web Layout and Composition
  • Enhancing Web layout With Animation
  • Choosing and Working With Typography On the Web
  • Color Theory
  • Building a Website

Part 4After Visual Design

  • Test, Validate, Iterate
  • Developer Choices and User Experience
Design principles can be super daunting for developers, but Stephanie has *got you covered*. I can guarantee that the way she expertly breaks them down in a friendly, easy to understand manner will completely convert the end-product that you and your team produce. She really has written a gold standard resource that I strongly recommend.

- Andy Bell, Founder of Set Studio

Design for Developers will...

Teach you how to communicate more effectively with your design team

Help you feel confident in making design decisions

Increase your understanding the UX process from design to code

Articles & Resources